Health education activities are an integral part of the facial cleanliness and hygiene promotion component of the SAFE strategy for trachoma control. Trachoma control programs rely on community volunteers, primary school teachers, religious leaders, local government authorities, and local media to promote healthy behaviors that prevent trachoma.
The education materials contained in this library are designed to appeal to a range of audiences that vary based on geographical location, age, education, and cultural group. For example, primary school students respond to different types of health education than adult women. To address these differences, ministries of health and partner organizations have developed sets of health education materials unique to each target audience. This electronic library contains materials designed for different audiences and includes a brief tutorial on how the materials are developed and used.
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Select from choices listed on the right of this page to view a collection of health education media from trachoma control programs worldwide. The images and titles for each item will open the file in a new window. The country of origin and language of the material are listed below the titles.
Please note that these materials were produced by a variety of organizations including The Carter Center. The Center would like to acknowledge its partners, including ministries of health, the World Health Organization (WHO), Helen Keller International, the International Trachoma Initiative, World Vision, the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, and the Lions Clubs International Foundation for their support in the development, production, and distribution of these materials.
All responsibility for the use of these materials is assumed by the user and should not be attributed to The Carter Center or its partner organizations.
If you have difficulties opening the files from this website, you may request electronic copies by emailing [email protected].
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